.........On the mountain plateau camp, Jacob overhears Bella discussing her intended wedding to Edward. He is enraged at what he hears and storms off, Bella furious at Edward because she realizes that Edward knew he was listening. Bella rushes after Jacob, pleading to him as he curtly says he's off to kill some vampires-- and maybe let one of them kill him in turn. She begs him not to be reckless, and when he won't listen to her reason, she asks him to kiss her. This he does, and they share a long, passionate kiss. Jacob says he has to go to the battlefield but he'll return. Bella realizes Edward knew what was going on-- he says Jacob's thoughts were very loud. He understand that she loves him, but takes comfort in her assurance that she loves him more. Seth joins them on the mountain campsite. The pack telepathy will keep Edward apprised of the battle by his reading what Seth hears through the pack. The Cullens stand on the battlefield, waiting as the newborn army rushes forward. On Jasper's signal, the Cullens rush forth into battle, luring the newborns to the rock outcropping behind which the Quileutes await. Led by Jasper, the Cullens and the Quilieutes fight together with expert teamwork, allowing them to overwhelm the newborns who, despite greater numbers, fight blindly and recklessly. Victoria is seen observing the battle briefly before rushing off.Bree is the one newborn who is afraid and deeply uncertain about what she's been ordered to do. Seeing the newborns being decimated, she starts to run, only to be cornered by Carlisle and Esme. The two look at each other, sensing Bree's terror and uncertainty. Back at the mountain camp, Edward realizes Victoria is near. She had noticed Edward was not on the battlefield, and also knew that he wouldn't leave Bella's side, meaning once she found him, she'd find Bella. Edward reazlies Victoria is close, and not alone. He urges Seth to hide for ambush.Riley slowly walks out of the trees to confront Edward. Edward tries to reason with Riley, appealing to his logic, explaining Victoria's intent on avenging James and caring for nothing else, and she started with him because Riley is a Forks native and knows the town and area well. Victoria arrives on the scene and pleads gently to Riley about her love for him and her warnings about Edward's mind tricks. Riley's desire for Victoria ultimately wins out over his logic.and he rushes to attack. Seth intercepts him and tears off his hand. Seeing the odds start to turn against her, Victoria begins to flee. Needing to keep her from escaping again, Edward calls out to her and taunts her about his killing James. She turns and glares as Edward goads her about her need to hurt him because of how he killed her lover. Victoria is quickly goaded into a rage and she leaps at Edward in fury. They fight and Edward throws her into a tree, which she begins to climb. Getting Bella to one side, Edward pushes the tree down and leas at Victoria. Seth is distracted by the sound, and RIley kicks him viciously in the snout, knocking him unconscious. He joins the battle and turns the tide. Seeing Riley and Victoria working together and poised to kill Edward, Bella scrabbles desperately in the snow. She finds a rock with a sharp edge and rakes it across her arm, letting her blood flow freely. Both vampires quickly smell her blood and are struck with blood frenzy, breaking their concentration and allowing Edward to turn the tide of the battle again. Seth recovers and seizes Riley, dragging him away. He cries desperately to Victoria, but she finally reveals her true nature and abandons him to try and feed on Bella, who stands before her unflinching. Edward intercepts Victoria and grapples with her. Outmaneuvering her, he rips her head off and kills her.
Seth growls urgently and Edward notes that Alice needs them all on the battlefield.
He burns Victoria's body and they rush to regroup with the Cullens and the Quileutes.
Alice has seen the approach of Jane, Felix and the other Volturi minions. As Edward, Bella and Seth arrives, Carlise urges the Quileutes to hurry away, because he knows the Volturi will not honor a truce with them.One newborn has survived and is lurking in ambush. Leah leaps on him, but this last newborn is tougher than his brethren. He is about to overpower Leah when Jacob joins the battle, but even then the newborn is able to maneuver around and grab Jacob from behind in a crushing bear hug that shatters the right side of his rib cage. The Quileutes finally finish the newborn off, but Jacob is badly injured, Leah cursing him for risking his life. The pack rushes to his side. Carlisle determines the extent of Jacob's injuries and promises to meet the pack at Billy's home as soon as possible. Quickly Jacob's tribe mates, all in human form now, gently lift him and carry him away.The Volturi arrive and survey the battlefield. Jane is only mildly impressed that the Cullens survived and that she and her underlings were not needed. She then notices Bree cowering behind the Cullens. Carlisle and Esme say they offered Bree asylum in exchange for her surrender, but Jane coldly states the Cullens had no asylum to offer. She torments Bree with terrible pain, interrogating her to learn about her creation. But Bree doesn't know who the leader of the newborn army was-- Riley trusted none of them with the knowledge. Edward slyly suggests that the Volturi knew about Victoria, but Carlisle knows that if they had known, they would have acted early and stopped her themselves. Carlisle and Esme vow to take responsibility for Bree, but Jane says the Volturi don't offer second chances-- the Cullens will be in enough trouble when Caius learns that Bella is still human. Bella quickly says, "a date has been set." Jane backs off from Bella but orders Felix to destroy Bree. Knowing that trying to protect Bree will bring the full wrath of the Volturi upon them, they defeatedly step out of Felix's way, leaving the terrified Bree to her fate.Bella arrives at Billy Black's home to hear Jacob screaming in pain, which makes Billy shudder. Carlisle emerges from the house and says that Jacob is out of danger and will start to recover, and he'll return as necessary to help. A grateful Billy shakes Carlisle's hand as he would a friend's. Carlisle tells Bella that Jacob was asking for her. She goes into his room and they talk. Jacob knows that Bella has made her choice and he can no longer fight it. He is still struggling to accept the truth, and desperately wishes he could still change things, but he knows that he has lost the battle for Bella's heart. She asks if she can return to see him again. He says he will need time, but will wait for her-- even after her heart has stopped beating. Bella and Edward are in a meadow talking about the wedding. Edward is amused that Bella is letting Alice plan the whole affair out. He again questions her about her desire, and she explains that as much hardship as she's endured in Edward's world, she's never felt "normal" as other people define it, and only by making the world of the Cullens into her own world as well, has she felt a true sense of completeness. She jokingly tells Edward there is one more dangerous task ahead of them-- they have to tell Charlie about the wedding. Edward puts the engagement ring on her finger and they kiss passionately as the screen fades to black...........

part 1
part 2
part 3

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